I have completed the very tedious job of ripping all my cds into itunes.  

I now have 756 days 2 hours and 46 mins worth of music.  🙂

I have been part of a team at the Trivia night of the Corner Hotel in Richmond.  First week we came 2nd and last week we were 3rd.   Hoping that we can remain in the top 3 this week.

#79 Visit Melbourne Zoo

February 4, 2009

Chris bought tickets for his family and myself to see the Blues Brothers tribute show “Briefcase Full of Blues” at the Zoo Twilights.  This was so much fun – sitting around on the grass, drinking Coronas, listening to the lions roar……

The band was a lot of fun too.

This also counts towards #56 See a live band at least once every 3 months for a year.

Wow – the second item to be crossed off my list.  Feeling good about finally crossing stuff off 

Not sure that lettuce qualifies as a herb – but we are going to count it 🙂   Here are the pics.  I picked some leaves of the lettuce to use in my Apple, Pear and Leek salad.

Chris also used some of these Chilli’s in his Manburgers the other day. Such a good feeling using stuff out of the garden.  Has me thinking of perhaps putting a real vege garden in.  But I also know that they are hard work…..not sure if I am up for that kind of responsibility just yet.

#35 See a therapist

January 24, 2009

I think I should have defined this “to do”  a little more.  I have attended two sessions with the same Psychotherapist.  I am going to say that this counts as meeting the requirement for the action item and cross it off my list.

I found my therapist by googling anger management and tried to pick a therapist based on the website and location (probably not the best criteria for choosing someone to help with ones mental health).  After my two sessions I have been given a handy tool to help disconnect from my emotions and offered Hypnotherapy as an addition to the current sessions. I am done……for now.

101 Things – The List

January 9, 2009

  1.  MotorCycle Licence
  2.  Make Gingerbread with Christopher
  3.  Visit Gaudi’s hotel in Spain
  4. Sky Dive
  5.  Go Snow Skiing
  6.  Host a cocktail party
  7.  Be able to do 100 consecurtive pushups
  8.  Jog 10kms in 1 hour
  9.  Complete song on expert level in GH World Tour
  10.  Learn (Practice) a martial art
  11.  Learn how to shoot a pistol
  12.  Learn Spanish
  13.  Visit Melia and Sope in Vanuatu
  14.  Make my own affirmation tape
  15.  Ride a motorbike in Vietnam
  16.  Tell a stranger they are beautiful
  17.  Visit the Grand Canyon
  18.  Go ten pin bowling
  19.  Visit Tasmania
  20.  Try rollerblading
  21.  Make my own sausages
  22.  Spend a weekend away own my own for contemplation
  23.  Go without alcohol for 1 calendar month
  24.  Write a short story
  25.  Write a poem and post it on the intenet
  26.  Buy t-shirts and put my transfers on them
  27.  Ride on a paddle boat
  28.  Send flowers to a friend for no reason
  29.  Have fish and chips by the ocean
  30.  Send my Aunty Syl a letter with photos
  31. Send a postcard to postsecret
  32. Post an entry into my blog every day for 1 month
  33. Go on every ride at Luna Park
  34. Be in the audience for a live tapping of a tv show
  35. See a therapist  24/01/09
  36. Rip all my CDs into itunes 22/02/09
  37. Bury a time capsule
  38. Hire a houseboat for the weekend
  39. Find the emblem for the Raffaele family and have something made with it on it – eg pendant, bracelet etc
  40. Ride a horse along a beach
  41. See the Northern Lights
  42. Experience Oktoberfest in Germany
  43. Finish knitting the blanket
  44. Make a piece of jewellry for myself
  45. Finish High School (VCE)
  46. Watch Turtles hatch and run for the ocean
  47. Fly a kite
  48. Attend the Melbourne International Comedy Festival
  49. Learn to play a song on my guitar
  50. Make pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving
  51. Go to the Moonlight Cinema
  52. Go to the Opera
  53. Host a family Christmas
  54. Ride in a hot air balloon
  55. Swim in an ocean besides the pacific
  56. See a live band at leact once every 3 months for a year – Jose Gonzales 09/02/09,
  57. Take a short course that does not relate to current job
  58. Meditate for at least 30 mins once a week for 1 month
  59. Become a dress seize 12 by November 2009
  60. Go to the Dogs for an evening of night racing
  61. Do the Splits
  62. Write a letter to each member of my immediate family
  63. Send Christmas cards to everyone I know
  64. Attend dance classes
  65. Take a photo that I would like to  have printed and framed (and hang it on the wall!)
  66. Go for a walk on the beach at least once a week for 3 months
  67. Read 10 “classics”
  68. Attend La Tomatina Festival in Spain
  69. Skip using the a skipping rope for 10 mins straight
  70. Do 200 consecutive situps
  71. Send a gift to each of my friends in the mail
  72. Make the backyard look pretty by planting some drought hardy plants
  73. Plant more herbs in the tubs and use them in a dish I prepare   26/01/09
  74. Attend the dawn service at the Shrine for Remembrance Day
  75. Bake a beer cake for Christopher
  76. Sew myself a “wearable” piece of clothing
  77. Visit the Lourve
  78. Pack my own lunch 3 days a week for 1 month
  79. Visit Melbourne ZOO 01/02/2009
  80. Make my own homemade lemonade
  81. Participate in a fun run
  82. Go on a “Dinner & Theatre” date with Christopher
  83. Go to the Eureka Sky Deck
  84. Write a restaurant review and post on a website
  85. Make something out of Mosaic
  86. Make my own badge
  87. Watch all the Harry Potter movies
  88. Participate in a Trivia night 03/02/2009, 10/02/2009
  89. Be able to complete at least 3 chin ups
  90. Complete a first aid course
  91. Buy a lottery ticket once a month for 6 months
  92. Give my time to a volunteer organisation
  93. Attend High Tea at the Windsor Hotel
  94. Write a letter to Roman Dirge
  95. Be Chocolate free for 1 calendar month
  96. Buy a wing chair
  97. Do the Photo session visit to Werribee Zoo
  98. Do the 1000 steps at Ferntree Gully
  99. Visit Helen in Sydney
  100. Plant a tree at Hugry Head
  101. Come up with another 101 things to start in 2012.